Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning—Changing the Dynamics of Digital Marketing Industry

When we mention the term revolution in the digital industry, no one can deny the substantial role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML). The technologies have revolutionized the entire digital world and augurs the applications based on them. And it will be very surprising to see how 61% of the data in the coming years will be fetched through AI and ML. 

This is not the only surprising fact about AI and ML. Ironically, people thriving in this digital world are still ignorant of the real potential of these technologies. Some of the enterprises are still untouchable by their Midas touch, for which the Gartner has already predicted the business value will reach by $3.9 Trillion by 2022. 

Before getting into the details of the applications of the technology, let’s understand the concept behind it.

Technically speaking, AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines. This may include learning, reasoning, and certainly the ability of self-correction. In short, AI can analyze, understand, and make decisions accordingly.

And if you look around you, then Voice Assistant and GPS are the two most prominent examples of Artificial Intelligence.

Presenting you a curated list that can better explain the applications of AI and ML in particular

Auto Content Generation 

You may feel that this phenomenon is not feasible. But some companies are using the tools and harnessing the auto content generation process. Tools like Quill, WordSmith, Articoolo based on AI are gathering information online and make content for them. Apart from established organizations like—Coke, Starbucks, Apple, and Adobe; companies like Coffee for less, Chobani, Target, and more are already using these tools and generating artificial content based on daily information. 

Automatic Content Curation

This method was known to only possible with human ability. But now, AI is being used to make content more readable and connecting with the users. This is also being used effectively to enhance the reach of the content to the users. This technique is also doing wonders for e-commerce organizations, which are dealing with a lot of content inflow. 

Likewise, content curation is working amazingly with Amazon. The e-commerce giant is using it effectively for making the user experience better and to increase its sales 

Email Marketing: This is also based on the phenomenon of content curation, and AI is playing a substantial role in it. When you see your email box flooded with alert mail, whether it is about your shopping experience, a notification about a product in your cart or you have an unfinished purchase. This is all done through email marketing powered by AI, and it is the finest way to connect with the existing users and pushes them to finish their purchase.  

Smart Search Results

Google has always been using AI-powered algorithms with search results. The organization has made this public with the announcement of Rainbrain update that it has been using AI and ML to prioritize search results as per user history and search patterns. The internet giant is also using these algorithms to hide negative results   

Induct Smart Ads: Boosting ads is a normal thing for today’s digital businesses. It works on the Ads management system that collects the information through deep machine learning and AI. This system manages ad accounts like Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, and more. It thoroughly evaluates user behavior and shows the ad accordingly.  

Voice Searches

It is in the trend nowadays. Amazingly, Google is getting about 70% of its traffic through voice searches. This is the biggest reason Google introduced Rankbrain and serves a user according to their interests and usage pattern. The RankBrain is also more of a machine learning tool, and the artificial intelligence technology in it builds with deep, intelligent algorithms to take actions as per the user-requests.

Smart Web Design

Beyond voice and text, AI and Ml are also making website design smarter. In this case, tools like Grid helps in creating tempting website design by evaluating the user data. Apart from this, the tool helps in creating custom landing pages with the unique placement of CTA buttons, media, and more. 

Intelligent Chatbots

Replacing humans as service agents, chatbots are the new serving agents available for 24×7. These AI-powered bots are equipped to give a precise reply to every query. Technically, these chatbots are predesigned codes that empower software to evaluate the user behavior or requirement and reply to them with a more precise reply. 

Bold360, Watson Assistant, Ada, Rulau, and Vergic are some of the efficient chatbots working across different platforms. 

Deep Data Analysis

Now, it comes to the real use of AI through data analytics. It is for the existing user-data and uses to make a market prediction and predicting user behavior. It is also known as data forecast, and organizations across the world are using it tweak their sales and marketing strategy to boost their sales. 

Apart from it, product pricing and weak website design can be also be predicted through deep data analysis. 

Virtual Trying Option

The new world belongs to virtual reality (VR). By the use of VR, it is now possible to have your virtual presence to check any product before jumping to the final decision. Companies like VR Genie are using the technology to enable users to travel through virtual outer space, the ocean floor, and even on the top of mountains to combat social isolation and depression. Another organization, TopShop allows users to check clothes virtually. Like them, many organizations are using virtual technology to amplify the user’s experience to increase their sales count. To explore how AI is Changing the Landscape of Mobile App Development World? Follow the Link:

Final Words 

Productivity is another significant factor that has increased with the inclusion of AI & ML; which is also a factor for Mobile App development companies to adopt this technology in their operations. The ultimate dependence on humans has decreased throughout the years and the efficiency increased at a greater value.

So far we have seen and analyzed that AI and machine learning applications will set the tone for the future. According to a survey, 51% of marketers are already using AI, and 27% more are even planning on incorporating this technology in 2019.

Undeniably, The clout of these technologies is ready to support and transform as many businesses to realize benefits.

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