Is this your daydream that could be amazing when your video game project turns into reality? Many of us opt to make a game ourselves as hiring a studio or artist labor can cost us big time. Instead, costing own time seems convenient which still begs the same question – how to make a game from scratch?
This question is branchy that contains other branches of questions like:
- What game engine to use?
- Where to publish the game?
- How much programming do you need to learn before making the game?
- How to code for a game?
- How to finally design a game?
Learning how to make a game can be absolutely fun and rewarding in this timeless evolution of programming, computer science, graphics, creativity, and determination. If you’re a determined player who wants to embark on a thrilling journey in game development, this blog is for you. With the increase in mobile gaming, people across the world are benefitting from the enormous game market by building and selling their games. Mostly all types of games are based on the same concept but different platforms and operating systems that differ slightly from each other.
One needs to learn how to code in at least one language before developing the game. In this guide, let us introduce you to the main principles of video game development for your first video game along with different programming languages that are required to make a game on different platforms. We hope this guide will lead you in the right direction with the resources required.
Table of Content:
1. The Cycle of Game Development
Step 1: Market Research & Game Conceptualization
Step 2: Work on Design Document
Step 3: Decide on the Software
Step 4: Make the Game
- Unity
- Godot
- Phaser
Step 5: Test the Game
2. Finalize & Publish the game
1: Desktop
2. Mobile
3. Console
4. Virtual Reality
5. Conclusion

1. The Cycle of Game Development:
In the world of game development, there is a general cycle that game developers follow which acts as the basics of video game creation. Would you be interested to go through the cycle to make a game? It isn’t hard as you may think!
Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to make a gaming video:
STEP 1: Market Research and Game Conceptualization:
The first step that you need to create your own game is to think of the idea about what exactly you want the game to be and the concept behind it. Bend on some market research and try to find the skills you require to develop the game along with the different features it should possess.
Do not skip on studying the scope of your idea to make a game along with the available technology that is needed for turning it into reality. Ask yourself: How long is the process? Do you possess the skills required to make a game? Do you have an absolute understanding of the game and how you may make it?
Understanding the game is very crucial in the whole journey of the Game story. We thought of the best ways of creating a manageable game with apt scope:
1. Bring out the core mechanic:
Can you think of the most popular game with core mechanics? Yes, it hit all of us hard with its grappling look and Mario’s jumping. The one and only ‘Mario’
2. Develop the game with core mechanics:
Ideally, each feature of the game encourages players to use that particular core mechanic.
Let’s take the example of Mario. Its core mechanics revolve around the following:
- Jumping on enemies
- Jumping up to punch blocks
- Jumping over gaps
- Jumping on the flag at the end of the level
This is one of the main reasons why the Mario game has been so successful. Their developers focussed on one main core mechanic to make it cool, fun, and versatile in nature.
Moreover, when it comes to game design, android gaming devices, the best gaming laptops, and virtual reality, our generation has touched the sky of development with impressive set-ups. For this, also read the Timeless Evolution of Game Design to improve the required knowledge in this field.
STEP 2: Work on Design Document
After you’ve figured out the idea and completed research, the next step you need to put together is a design document. It is a brief outline of the game about its outlook and the process of making the app.
What all do you need to consider while putting together your design document?
- The skills at your disposal: Things can get cost you high if you start hiring people to do things when you lack the right skills.
- What language you will be using: This will help you narrow down how things will be built.
- What it needs to look/behave like: You need to give it a look as you thought of.
- Whether you want to attach updates and new releases: If you want, then you must plan bout how you’re going to make this happen.
Once you’re through with the design document, it’s time to decide whether you need software.
STEP 3: Decide on the Software
After you discover how to make a game, the next move is working out the fancy software you would be requiring to do the job right. In many cases, you can get rid of the code editor and compiler. However, if you are thinking of building an advanced game, then it would ask for powerful & premium software like 3D modeling programs and image editors. This advanced software can cost you a lot so you need to be a bit careful about your budget spend on the project.
Also, note that you will need a system with a high-quality processor and high RAM to run this software for complex game creation.
STEP 4: Make the Game
Once you’ve decided and downloaded the software, it’s time to make a game and start coding. Simple games do not require complex software but complex games do require game engines to work on. Simply, decide on what language you’re going to write your game in with a lot of variables such as RPG game. Now is the time to get to know ‘HOW’ in the question list.
However, a crucial step will determine the whole process of which game engine and which programming language to use. To start with, let’s understand what is a game engine?
A game engine is a piece of software that helps developers to make a game, build game structures & levels, assign logic to objects and build the game on that particular platform. There is a huge number of game engines with different features and specialties.
Below is the list of some popular game engines that you may consider:

Unity is a very famous game engine out with many online learning resources to help you make a game. Unity is more than the game engine which is accessible to all and allows any time of the game to be developed.
- What kinds of games can be developed?
Unity is one of the most versatile engines that helps in creating 3D, 2D, VR, AR, and multiplayer games on several platforms.
- Does it use a programming language?
Unity uses the C# programming language. Also, there are multiple plugins available for purchase with an integrated solution.

Godot is an open-source game engine that helps in creating 2D and 3D games. As the engine is open source, there are other features that are added with customized versions created by developers.
- What kinds of games can be developed?
Godot is the game engine that helps in creating 2D and 3D games, with many new modern features to their 3D engine.
- Does it use a programming language?
Godot primarily uses their GDScript language and also supports visual scripting, C#, and C++.

Phaser is again an open-source game engine that has a 2D framework for making HTML5 games. Phaser does not have a user interface, unlike other engines. Rather, Phaser offers a game engine library that can be used while programming to develop mobile games.
- What kinds of games can be developed?
With Phaser, one can simply create 2D games for laptops and the mobile game app market.
- Does it use a programming language?
Phaser uses JavaScript.
STEP 5: Test the Game
Testing the game is extremely important in the overall process of game development. How would you know that what is predictable for the player? Will they know what to do & where to go?
This may seem simple for you but not the players. You cannot create your mobile game without testing the game especially for someone who has never seen the game before.
But how do you test the game? The first thing to do is make sure is that you test everything related to the game to remove every bug. This can be time taking, so be prepared to sit for hours for the testing process. Then, you can also hire a marketing consultant to get you started if you don’t have the required skills. Getting your game to people can be hard, so you have options like:
- Develop a website where players can download the game
- Create hard copies & distribute them to stores, retailers, end-users, etc
- Make sure to list the mobile games on Playstore or Apple app store.
- Or ask your expert how to sell your game
2. Finalize & Publish the Game:
After you create a game, you would probably be wanting to distribute the game out there in the market. Well, there are many online platforms where you get to publish your piece. Some are paid and some are free platforms, make a game for free with such popular platforms.
- is the most common platform for indie developers and free to publish your game here.
- Game Jolt is another famous platform for indie developers, allowing you to publish your game there for free.
- Google Play Store, also called Google Play is a store for the Android app market. There’s a one-time $25 registration fee to develop mobile games.
- Apple’s App Store is the largest global app store of 2021 $99 a year to publish.
You can easily create your mobile game and launch it on such popular app stores for the best response.
More for you: Get an overview of the global app stores of 2021 that are ruling the industry worth $150 million and helping businesses reach out to their niche users with primary app stores that you wouldn’t like to overlook.
- Playstation Store (PS Store) is a digital media store for Playstation games.
- Microsoft Store is a digital media store for Xbox and PC games.
Virtual Reality
- Oculus Store is an online store for VR games with an Oculus headset.
- Steam is an online store for VR games & $100 through Steam Dire
3. Conclusion
We understand that it takes a lot of hard work and effort to make games. The theory is one thing but executing the whole process is entirely different. If you’re looking for professional help, Mobcoder can help you with mobile game app development with less time worrying about infrastructure and more time developing a great game app in real-time. Our game app developers can help you with a range of tools and libraries to develop, optimize and launch high-definition video games as per your expectations good luck out there on developing a mobile game app. We wish you all the luck with your game development journey!